Friday, April 17, 2015

Brisbane Screen Printing and Digital Fabric Printing

What is the difference between digital fabric printing and screen printing in Brisbane? In other words, why would you prefer to use one method over the other and are they both the same thing really?

Screen printing in Brisbane

Screen printing is a much older method than digital fabric printing and gives the fabric a handmade appearance. This method of printing requires a number of stencils to be made, with a different stencil for each of the different colours in the design. The layers of ink are applied directly onto the fabric and the design is built up layer by layer.

This type of printing can be quite expensive because of all the stencils that need to be made and the length of time it takes to print the fabric (each layer of ink must be completely dry before the next can be applied). Screen printing is actually better than digital printing on dark coloured fabrics because the ink is more thickly applied and so shows up a lot better than if you used digital printing on a dark fabric.

Digital fabric printing in Brisbane

Digital fabric printing on the other hand, is much faster and cheaper process than screen printing in Brisbane, because the design can be applied directly onto the fabric, without spending time making numerous stencils. With this type of printing you can use large complex and very intricate designs with lots of different colours, whereas with screen printing you are limited to just a handful of colours and much simpler designs.

Digital printing also gives you photographic quality images that are highly detailed, because it doesn’t require stencils and uses thinner ink. This makes this type of printing highly suitable for company logos that are very detailed or have lots of different colours.

So there is a huge difference between digital printing and screen printing, but whichever method you chose, remember that digital printing works best on light materials and screen printing works best on darker coloured fabrics.

If you want to find out more about digital fabric printing, make sure to pop into Everything Vibrant in Underwood and have a chat with them about your business needs.

Digital T-shirt Printing Services in Brisbane

As a business owner you need to budget carefully and spend your money where it can do the most good. One of the most important elements of your business is to include cost effective promotional campaigns into your marketing strategy, promotions that pay their way and increase your customer base.

Digital t shirt printing is a tactic that will pay for itself time and time again. So much so, that t shirt printing in Brisbane is now a very popular component of small business marketing strategies.

So why is t shirt printing in Brisbane an effective marketing strategy?

Digital t shirt printing is much faster than many other methods of printing t-shirts. All you have to do is to create your design and upload it to our PC. The vast majority of businesses already have their own company logo and brand message, so it is a simple exercise to create a design for your promotional t-shirts.

We sell many different types of t-shirts, from sporting, to casual and smart. So once we have uploaded your design to our PC, we then create a transfer of your design and then print this transfer onto your t-shirts. We can actually provide you with the transfers and you can print the t-shirts yourselves, but to do this, you need a specialised printer than can deal with the heat of the transference process.

T shirt printing in Brisbane is a great way to promote your business, as every time a person wears your t-shirt they are giving your business free advertising. Everyone who comes into contact with that person is exposed to your advertising message. You can give the t-shirts away free as a promotional aid or give them as prizes in competitions or simply give them as freebies at sporting events, fetes or fairs.

Giving away something free is an easy way to engage people in a conversation and make them aware of your business. So if you want a cost effective way to promote your business and are ready to check out t shirt printing in Brisbane, pop in and see the people at Everything Vibrant at Underwood for top quality digital t shirt printing.